Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words spirit and/or specter, totaling up to 150 lines in length including stanza breaks, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PDT on October 20th. No PDF's please. Color and B&W artwork are also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Spirits and Specters will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, October 21st between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Mary Mayer Shapiro


Wearing customs 

To scare evil spirits away 

Becomes a holiday 

For all 


Parties for adults  

Trick or treats for children 

Began a joyful 



Hidden behind custom 

Covered with mask 

Gives a day to be whomever you want 

To for fill a fantasy dream 


Ghost and goblins 

Walk among us 

May mingle 

Among the living 


Can the spirits  

Come back in disguise 

No one would know 



Visits from the dead 

Are all around us 

Not all are privileged 

To see them 

Not all want to be seen 

Unseen dead 

Visits, observed 

Some stay forever 

To be near you 


Spiritual eyes 

Can only see them 

Is this a curse 

Or a blessing 


Time will only tell 

If you are one of the chosen 

Cherish the gift 

Use it for good 


May it bring peace 

Clarity understanding 

To the living 

Hoping they are in a safe place 


Apparitions Ghost Spirits unseen 

Visit from the dead  

All around us 

We do not see 



Of refraction 

Blending light 

As one 


We are not  


They are always  

With us 


Surrounded by love hate  

Indifference or forgiveness 

Depends on what  

Type of lives we live  


We dart from place to place 

Passing tourist sites 

Without noticing 

Our environment 


Spiritual eyes are unopen 

Incapable of being 

Focusing past the 

Present dimensions 


A touch with no one there 

Feathers floating without a breeze 

Invisible spirits surround you 

We are not alone 

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