Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words spirit and/or specter, totaling up to 150 lines in length including stanza breaks, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PDT on October 20th. No PDF's please. Color and B&W artwork are also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Spirits and Specters will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, October 21st between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Petrouchka Alexieva

Viking Ghost Ship



Emerging from the mist at midnight

Drifting slowly in a dark not far from the shore

With no direction and unknown destination

She’s not looking for bay or place to dock.


The anchor is a long-time rusting;

The compass is for centuries lost.

The Nordic runes whisper glorious stories

about battles of Vikings coming from North.


Drifting slowly from sea to sea,

She’s a house of pale lonely shadows,

A cradle of long-time forgotten souls.

The spirits wait there for next epic battle.


It is a heavy and chilling night.

Full silver moon silently hides

Among dark-spider clouds. No gulls.

Only crows take closer approach near the mast.


Her flag was torn long time ago

in hundreds of furious storms.

It doesn’t matter, if the lighthouse exists.

Her dragon head is blind,


But the oars and shields still line.

She’s deaf for the songs of the tempting sirens.

The napping winds don’t bother to blow her sails.

Only the creepy squeak of her dark rotten deck

Reminds she is still voyaging in the Black Sea.


Note: Almost on the end of the glorious Viking diaspora (7th-11th century), Vikings reached west shores of Black Sea, and even established two new settlements on Bulgarian coast. Still nowadays, fishermen tell stories about a ghost Viking ship.

Whitby Abbey


Photo credit:


Spring already showered

With lavish green

The surrounding fields.


Oh, there! Small daffodil blossoms

Guard the mid-century castle.

Ducklings take their morning bath.


The sun shines on some spots,

But creepy fog still hags

The ruins of the monastery walls.


I wonder if the spirit of Dracula still walks.

Maybe... Oh, I just heard a trot

And a sound of an invisible frog.



     Whitby Abbey is situated in the North Sea, on the East Cliff above Whitby in North Yorkshire, England. It ruins whisper stories of saints, poets, Viking raids, Saxons ingenuity and the presence of Graf Dracula.

     Whitby Abbey was built as a Christian church. In a 7th-century, it began functioning as a double monastery of Celtic monks and nuns.

     It became a home (614–680) to the great Northumbrian poet Cædmon.

     On Thursday 26 May 2022, was celebrated 125th anniversary of Bram Stoker's iconic novel,Dracula”. It marked the record of the Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Vampires with 1,369 vampires!


Ghost Not Supposed to Feel


Ghost sitting in my chair

staring at me. Silent. Transparent.

I know she is there waiting for me.

I’m an extra-sense, indeed.


I reach out. In her eye gleams a tear.

I sensor her ethereal pain.


Her unbearable pain from love

in her short human life

is still strong on the other side.

The tear drops down in the dark.


She comes to me every night,

Hoping to heal

trough the black candle light.

Frosty chills run through my palms.


Ghost not supposed to feel.

I already know, but is that right?

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